Wanted Enthusiastic, Energetic Coffee Ambassadors
The Kochere Caffeinators program is designed for individuals who are passionate about the coffee that they drink, and can appreciate the subtle differences among different roasts and methods. We are looking for creators who love and appreciate a great cup of specialty coffee!
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Frequently asked questions
There are tons of reasons Ethiopian coffee is unique, but there is always one thing that people love to point out the most: the taste! The complex flavor creates the most pleasant cup of joe without fail: every time. Outside of the flavor, Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee, and nearly half of the coffee produced by the country is for domestic consumption. (they are big coffee drinkers!) The people have a strong cultural connection to coffee, and most events begin with a coffee ceremony.
According to the Speciality Coffee Association of America, the coffee family has over 450 genera and over 6,500 coffee plant species. Out of those 6,500 plants, there are four different types of coffee beans. Those are Arabica, Excelsa, Robusta, and Liberica.
Thousands of different types of coffee are grown and produced in Ethiopia. The Coffea arabica plant has three subcategories: Longberry, Shortberry, and Mocha. Longberry is the largest plant and supplies the highest quality coffee beans. Shortberry is a smaller plant but still produces high-quality coffee beans. Lastly, mocha is on the smaller side and has more spice and chocolate flavors.
Kochere is pronounced KO-sheh-reh. If you don't know what Kochere is, it's an area in Ethiopia that's known as the coffee-growing region.
Ethiopian coffee is known for its bright, fruity, and floral taste. It's balanced and delicate, providing a strong yet pleasant flavor that you can drink every morning and never get tired of. You can always depend on tasting hints of berries, jasmine, and citrus. Some roasts have a slightly bitter taste that elegantly complements the bright flavor. One thing to keep in mind: you'll never be disappointed. Every cup of joe has a delicatible aromatic taste that’s not too light and not too overwhelming.
The most popular type is a classic medium roast, what we like to call a happy medium. Not too light and not too heavy! The balanced flavor is the perfect style of roast to complement the bold and bright floral flavors that are common with Ethiopian coffee.
Most Ethiopian coffee beans are going to be 100% Arabica beans. However, some regions also grow Robusta coffee beans. When looking for coffee beans from Ethiopia to enjoy for yourself, you'll want to pay attention to how they're processed. We recommend looking for coffee beans that are washed or naturally processed to enjoy everything Ethiopian coffee has to offer.
Arabica and Robusta are the most common coffee roasts that come from Ethiopia. However, Arabica is more prominent. In fact, some call Ethiopia the birthplace of Arabica coffee!
People tend to gravitate towards Ethiopean coffee because of its bold yet pleasant coffee taste. Even though the flavor is typically easy to enjoy, bright and flavorful, you can still expect a slightly bitter and mildly acidic taste. If you enjoy complex flavors with a bit of a kick, you'll probably want to make an Ethiopian coffee blend your everyday cup of joe.
An Ethiopian cup of joe has a slightly lower level of caffeine than your go-to coffee. The average cup has around 1.10% and 1.13% of caffeine. Since the coffee is not as strong as traditional coffee, it's great for all-day drinking and can complement almost any morning.
No, the most common roast from Ethiopia is a medium roast. However, if you're a fan of the darker roasts, some Ethiopian roasts are on the medium-darker side.
One reason it has a slight bitter taste is the unique compounds found in this particular style of coffee. Ethiopian Arabica coffee contains large amounts of chlorogenic acid that plays a prominent role in the taste components. Don't be thrown off by the slightly bitter taste! Ethiopian coffee has an enjoyable bitter taste that doesn’t disrupt the fruity and floral flavors. The subtle bitter taste helps to outweigh the acidic and sweetness to the flavor, providing the perfect balance.
The most commonly added spices are cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. Although most coffee has a fruity and bright taste, some have more spicy and floral undertones. If you get your hands on a darker medium roast: you'll find an enjoyable smoky and chocolate flavor.
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